Sunday, May 30, 2010
Prostitutas En Area De Portland Or
Central States Rotary Youth Exchange Tour
June 12th - 26th, 2010
Tour Director ~ Patricia Grevenstuck
Bus Driver ~ Gary Gilliam
Marvin Enterprises, LLC
Saturday ~ June 12th, Day One: Arrive no earlier than 4:00PM CST but no later than 5:30PM for registration at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glen Ellyn, IL to meet your Tour Director & Chaperones. Orientation, Group Photo’s and Dinner will be at the Hotel.
Crowne Plaza Glen Ellyn
1250 Roosevelt Road
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Sunday ~ June 13th, Day Two: We will start our tour off with sightseeing around Chicago, IL. Which is the city home to many attractions such as the Willis Tower (Sears Tower) where we will go to the top for a spectacular view of the Windy City. From there we will take a water taxi to Navy Pier to enjoy the remainder of the afternoon. We will be spending the night in Oakbrook, IL.
Monday ~ June 14th, Day Three: Rotary International Headquarters, Evanston, IL, will be our host this morning as they show us around their facilities. Then it’s off to the airport as we start our travel west today! Flight Information-Depart:Chicago, IL at 4:05pm (CST), and arrive into San Francisco at 6:45pm (PDT). We will spending the night just outside of San Francisco.
Tuesday ~ June 15th, Day Four: Our touring today, will take us around some of the
San Fran neighborhoods with a stop at Lombard Street to see the famous “Crooked Street”, and Chinatown where you will get to see how they make Fortune Cookies by hand. All aboard! The Blue and Gold Bay Cruise Company will take us out on the bay this afternoon for a cruise around Alcatraz Island and the infamous Federal Penitentiary. There will be time to walk a bit on the Golden Gate Bridge that overlooks the city below and the expanse of the Pacific Ocean.
We will overnight in Modesto, CA.
Wednesday ~ June 16th, Day Five: Today is a FEAST FOR YOUR EYES! We will see some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the world! You are in Yosemite National Park. The views will astound you. The highest waterfall in the world is here…it cascades over 900 meters! We will be taking a 2-hour tour through the heart of Yosemite in an open-air tram. Our day isn’t over yet! Tonight we will enjoy an all American Baseball game. The Fresno Grizzlies will battle it out against The Portland Beavers. Which team will you be rooting for? We will spend tonight in Fresno.
Thursday ~ June 17th, Day Six: Say Good-Bye to The City by the Bay as it is time we take off for another interesting destination…Los Angeles. The Sunshine City will be our host for the next four days/nights. L.A. is renowned for its sun, surf and celebrities. It is also filled with one of a kind buildings. This afternoon we will be visiting the famous Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Walk of Fame, and visit some of the other famous sights around the LA Hollywood area, such as The Griffith Park Observatory and The Farmers Market. Keep your eyes open, you never know when you might see a celebrity!
Friday ~ June 18th, Day Seven: Today we will have time to tour around Santa Monica Pier and pick up those “last-minute, must-have” souvenirs. Since California is known for their beaches, we will be able to spend most of our day taking a dip in the Pacific Ocean or just soaking up some rays.
Saturday ~ June 19th, Day Eight: Wow… We have already been traveling for a week and there is much more to see. M-I-C-K-E-Y… M-O-U-S-E! We will be spending our entire day at DISNEYLAND!!! There are many rides, shows, and attractions to see today. The “Founding Disney Park” and dream of Walt Disney is going to keep you going. There are more than thirty exciting, screaming, plummeting, soarin, and giggling attractions for you to explore. A word of advice if you are wanting to see a parade on “ Main Street” make sure you get their early to get a good seat.
Sunday ~ June 20th, Day Nine: Today a Step on Tour Guide will enrich our minds with the history of LA along with being taken by the HOT spots of the LA area. This tour will take us to Santa Monica Pier, West LA historical site, Sunset Strip, Hollywood, and La Brea Tar Pitts. This tour will take us past some celebrity homes and show us some of the celebrity hangouts. This afternoon we will get a chance to go into the famous Fashion District.
Monday ~ June 21st, Day Ten: As we leave the lights of Hollywood behind us, we will start our journey back East this morning. We will be making a stop along our way today at Calico Ghost Town where you can walk the streets and see the way miners lived. This afternoon will be a relaxing time of traveling. Our trail today will take us to Williams, AZ.
Tuesday ~ June 22nd, Day Eleven: The Grand Canyon is what many say is the most AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL site on earth! This is a spectacular place with outlooks and views like you have never seen before. Here deep canyon walls, wide expanses of deep gorges and Mountain Views many kilometers away will astound you! Tonight will be spent in Gallup, New Mexico.
Wednesday ~ June 23rd, Day Twelve: We will spend the morning traveling, and then get a chance to stop at the River Breaks Ranch this afternoon. This will give you a taste of the real cowboy lifestyle. You will ride through a canyon on covered wagons while watching a stampede storm past you. Then we will join the working cowboys for a real ranch dinner. The fun does not end there, at the campsite we will be entertained by horse races and authentic cowboys roping steers. For those of you who are up for just relaxing ya'll are welcome to warm up by the fire, if that Panhandle breeze gets to you. We will spend tonight in Shamrock, Texas
Thursday ~ June 24th, Day Thirteen: Dress comfortable, as today will be a long day of travel, travel and more travel! To help time go by, we may play some games, or watch a movie or two on the bus. We will be making stops along the way so you can stretch your legs and get some fresh air. You will also enjoy some “free time” at our lunch break. Tonight we will be staying in Rolla, MO.
Friday ~ June 25th, Day Fourteen: Today will be our last full day together…. On our way back to Chicago, we will be making a stop in St. Louis, MO. St. Louis’ nickname, the "Gateway City," came about from the city's history as a stopping point for settlers heading west during the 19th century. Today, the city is filled with its own unique sights reflecting its long history. The towering 630 foot Gateway Arch offers incredible views of the Mississippi River. We will be able to take in these views as we take a tram ride to the top of the Gateway Arch. After our breathtaking views of the Mississippi River we must continue our travels. We will end the tour by staying in Bolingbrook, IL.
Saturday ~ June 26th, Day Fifteen: Today will be our last full day together…. Farewell to Illinois. We will return to the Crown Plaza ~ Glen Ellyn parking lot to meet up with the other tour groups to say our farewells to all. You MUST be picked up no later than 10:00am. The buses will be leaving for both Michigan and Wisconsin drop-off routes at 10:00am SHARP!! The sunsets, the laughter, the sound of the surf, the site of palm trees swaying in the wind, and the gentle breezes off the Pacific are a small part of the memories that you will have taken from this adventure. Hopefully the memories of all this and of the new friends you have made will remain with you for many years to come.
Beanie Knitting Patterns
legschte züglet mau!
Gester am abe beni weder zrügg zu de Simpson's züglet! Actually, yes Hätti on Haubi 6i söue Zügle but since there are so grägnet het is het de the two stood usezoge. Ech ha very
Wed gfröit weeder Zrugg to de Simpson's zgah but skin and severally ou Chli stupid wöui etz Sun wiit ewäg vo Aüm live and there ech ned must go outo en zemli müehsami properly esch .. -.- D 'Vicki het etz de Ferie but het and de si ou de me Ziit öpper zfahre Eisch! :)
On Fritigern beni to Elisa de gange, si gha het Graduation. Your host father because i createth de nöchi and het Wed metheigno! :)
your Graduation het iner Basketball Hall stattgfunde and gseh manner as hot holding det. Fortunately Wiis hets 200 Seniors gha, de ned as long sized transitions. After Graduation hei de mer it gmacht few Foti and ech ha de Elisa ehri colleague troff. gange si de Mer with TEACHERS colleague ah nes few parties. Yes but that would Kuul graduation night gseh severally hets überau gha police and the manner de Chli stupid gsesh wöu wenn'd Elisa and ech scho amen only place Aukohou wos het mer drink but need it, "verwütscht" Waerden becoming the scho gmäudet and de yes .. Drum si de mer about midnight McFlurry no ne si go and fetch eifach Chli verusse gseh loose on Music.) Late sized de worde was like, Ganzi 2 hour sleep had no bisi hani gha ha ufstah to heizrite with her host father. Woni de Haubi on 9i on Samstig Morge deheim ahcho be beni immediately go wiiterschlafe! ... until the tsunami on the 4i! : D On gmeschtet abe beni de no Chli go sunbath at the pool and neither mau ha mine computer. Ech ha no only 2.1 GB free Spicher gha ... : S
Hüt beni de whole day at the pool glääge .. ech gniesse etz eifach mine summer and mini legschte 60 remaining daily! Only No. 60 daily! ääh .. ou know ned wasi Dezu my .. Fröi Wed haut scho neither heizcho but ech'd blib ou dad .. ech ha skin-Schoggi Läbe there! :) But yes i would have to ergendeisch neither id "reality" zruggcho! :)
Hoffe ier health gli ou no Chli Schöner wätter!
Voeu all liebi Grüess
PS: Faus ERGENDöpper mau öpper Betting Eisch e charte or briefli Pinto, min briefchaste nemmt the natural receiving ih With pleasure! : D Mini adrässe severally:
Christa Alessandri
9 Legacy Dr.
Granite City, IL - USA 62 040
Gester am abe beni weder zrügg zu de Simpson's züglet! Actually, yes Hätti on Haubi 6i söue Zügle but since there are so grägnet het is het de the two stood usezoge. Ech ha very
Wed gfröit weeder Zrugg to de Simpson's zgah but skin and severally ou Chli stupid wöui etz Sun wiit ewäg vo Aüm live and there ech ned must go outo en zemli müehsami properly esch .. -.- D 'Vicki het etz de Ferie but het and de si ou de me Ziit öpper zfahre Eisch! :)
On Fritigern beni to Elisa de gange, si gha het Graduation. Your host father because i createth de nöchi and het Wed metheigno! :)
your Graduation het iner Basketball Hall stattgfunde and gseh manner as hot holding det. Fortunately Wiis hets 200 Seniors gha, de ned as long sized transitions. After Graduation hei de mer it gmacht few Foti and ech ha de Elisa ehri colleague troff. gange si de Mer with TEACHERS colleague ah nes few parties. Yes but that would Kuul graduation night gseh severally hets überau gha police and the manner de Chli stupid gsesh wöu wenn'd Elisa and ech scho amen only place Aukohou wos het mer drink but need it, "verwütscht" Waerden becoming the scho gmäudet and de yes .. Drum si de mer about midnight McFlurry no ne si go and fetch eifach Chli verusse gseh loose on Music.) Late sized de worde was like, Ganzi 2 hour sleep had no bisi hani gha ha ufstah to heizrite with her host father. Woni de Haubi on 9i on Samstig Morge deheim ahcho be beni immediately go wiiterschlafe! ... until the tsunami on the 4i! : D On gmeschtet abe beni de no Chli go sunbath at the pool and neither mau ha mine computer. Ech ha no only 2.1 GB free Spicher gha ... : S
Hüt beni de whole day at the pool glääge .. ech gniesse etz eifach mine summer and mini legschte 60 remaining daily! Only No. 60 daily! ääh .. ou know ned wasi Dezu my .. Fröi Wed haut scho neither heizcho but ech'd blib ou dad .. ech ha skin-Schoggi Läbe there! :) But yes i would have to ergendeisch neither id "reality" zruggcho! :)
Hoffe ier health gli ou no Chli Schöner wätter!
Voeu all liebi Grüess
PS: Faus ERGENDöpper mau öpper Betting Eisch e charte or briefli Pinto, min briefchaste nemmt the natural receiving ih With pleasure! : D Mini adrässe severally:
Christa Alessandri
9 Legacy Dr.
Granite City, IL - USA 62 040
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Partial Braces With Bands
mom would wash ech commanding Aue Guetier Birthday! Mer cottage on the beautiful Morge hei chönne skype and ech Sun Voeu gseh ha! :))
Usserdäm wüschi in de Luca and Barbara e guete Heiflug! Ech chönnt programming werkli no ned vorstöue heizgah but ech A DISTINCTIVE secher sobaud mer I deheime geit esch mer happy and it faut eim de ou Liechtenstein Aue where's manner as "zlah.
Ech ha üs Cardinals (baseball) tickets for legscht bsorgt Mäntig and ech ha de Luca, d 'Barbara and Armin de mer ihglade and heis mega guet gha. S spöu esch super gseh and het mer mega guet da mau neither Chli Schwiizer usztusche Dütsch zrede and METEM Luca d 'experiment:) hei mer's only gwoohnt öpper anderhaubstund vonenenand ewäg:)
mom would wash ech commanding Aue Guetier Birthday! Mer cottage on the beautiful Morge hei chönne skype and ech Sun Voeu gseh ha! :))
Usserdäm wüschi in de Luca and Barbara e guete Heiflug! Ech chönnt programming werkli no ned vorstöue heizgah but ech A DISTINCTIVE secher sobaud mer I deheime geit esch mer happy and it faut eim de ou Liechtenstein Aue where's manner as "zlah.
Ech ha üs Cardinals (baseball) tickets for legscht bsorgt Mäntig and ech ha de Luca, d 'Barbara and Armin de mer ihglade and heis mega guet gha. S spöu esch super gseh and het mer mega guet da mau neither Chli Schwiizer usztusche Dütsch zrede and METEM Luca d 'experiment:) hei mer's only gwoohnt öpper anderhaubstund vonenenand ewäg:)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Penile Cancer Painful
high school
Ech be etz grad fonere chline Party vo minere colleague hei cho. Si het met erere Familie und Kollege ihre High School abschluss gfiiret und ja.. ech ha etz dänkt bevor ech weder zu ihre gah und mer göi go grilliere muess ech etz glich da no gschnöu brechte was hüt so abgloufe isch! :D
Ech ha hüt "graduated" vo de High School. Aso ech ha ned s rechtige Diplom übercho aber haut sones Ustuschschüuer Diplom wo eigentlich überhooupt nüd wärt esch aber es isch schöön zum ahluege und es guets erinnerigsstück!! :D
Graduation het ufem Football Field stattgfunde und mer hei üs aui am ändi vo de Loufbah besammlet und i zwe reihe ufgstöut.
severally e mega schöön days gseh be genuine and six hats on ABE no mega funny! :) Very liebi Grüess id Schwiiz
Ech be etz grad fonere chline Party vo minere colleague hei cho. Si het met erere Familie und Kollege ihre High School abschluss gfiiret und ja.. ech ha etz dänkt bevor ech weder zu ihre gah und mer göi go grilliere muess ech etz glich da no gschnöu brechte was hüt so abgloufe isch! :D
Ech ha hüt "graduated" vo de High School. Aso ech ha ned s rechtige Diplom übercho aber haut sones Ustuschschüuer Diplom wo eigentlich überhooupt nüd wärt esch aber es isch schöön zum ahluege und es guets erinnerigsstück!! :D
The eschd Be on woni gha ha before ceremony ahgfange het. Ech be Tues auerierscht gseh lof where gloufe esch and ech de eifach be avenged uf de Loufbahn Duer gloufe nes Wiis dürer gate where the photo-mer uf abe rned gseh and de mim gloufe to sit where de erscht Wiis sitting uf de link Siite manner. s other schöuer Possible hets gmacht but esch uf de link Siite gloufe. :)
In the background gseht mer Tues schöuer other programming where "Fougères" There beni grad ufem weighed mim seat.)
wooohoo! : D mis Chum grad diploma over!
it het zemli gwendet and mi huet esch abgheit fasch! ^ ^
d'Annie and I! :) It
severally e mega schöön days gseh be genuine and six hats on ABE no mega funny! :) Very liebi Grüess id Schwiiz
Friday, May 21, 2010
How Accurate Is A Hiv Test After 35 Days
Benech After 9 Mönet ändlech ready met de Schou! :)) Morn schliessi etz de no definite starting met de Schou met de Graduation, fröi Wed mega druf! : D
After Graduation gah ni de a ne vo de Graduation Party colleague and on Sunntig gah ni met minne family Fiire go and use the other two parties vorussichtlich no ah .. :) And in the manner de Mäntig sozäge de erscht Ferietag! : D woohoo!
to gli!
Benech After 9 Mönet ändlech ready met de Schou! :)) Morn schliessi etz de no definite starting met de Schou met de Graduation, fröi Wed mega druf! : D
After Graduation gah ni de a ne vo de Graduation Party colleague and on Sunntig gah ni met minne family Fiire go and use the other two parties vorussichtlich no ah .. :) And in the manner de Mäntig sozäge de erscht Ferietag! : D woohoo!
to gli!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Franklin Porcelain Vases
wuchenaend uf de "Farm" (... and its consequences ...!)
On legschte wuchenaend si mer ufd "farm". D 'Farm esch e Karim camping Wau in Missouri, where so nöchi zemli i de de Luca lived. Danish court ghört minne Gastöutere, si hei but e huufe familiemetgleder where det Sun zsäge "ihgmietet" and where wi si ah nice (drink =) wuchenänd det abe do Goei go relax and go party.
Mer so sure Auso on legschte Fritigern, nachdäm mer Aue packed hey i Trruck iehgstege and abgfahre. After about 1.5 hour si de mer det ahcho and d 'gägend het Wed grad ah öppis erinneret: Our beautiful Switzerland:) D' Camper stöi shore big Wiis. Uf ehrem Gländ out usserdäm ouno en Bach Dürer and it chlises Bächli! ;) Is het Soger Hügle! ech miss the werkli da .. where I Läbe Esches eifahc just flat .. and so het tuusigi maisfäuder. Mer de hei üs in the camper and ihgrechtet könneglehrt ech ha aui Lüüt ufem place. Drunder hets ou zemli Voeu chind (11i and younger) gha what mech het gfröit justice. :) Ha de lso Sunny absolutely chind i de ke kin there. Hei mer üs de e nice abe gmacht on Füür and severally eifach gseh wonderful. Ufem place si 3 Hünd gseh ah twilight tag and di hei Wed ouno Sun zemli under haute.
On nächschte Morge het en vo Brüeder minere Gastmam zgfüuh gha that ECHS Eisch ufem vierradtöff try söu and ech ha natural gseit yes immediately. De Austin, e 11 year olds, ech ha ne but at least 14gschätzt, does het mer de gseit wi the Aue and wasi must do. Aue esch super swing and mer si de Hügle deruf and derab gfahre and severally mega Kuul gseh .. BIS I INE BOUM IEH KRACHT BE!
yes .. woni e hügu abe gfahre be hani ned chönne länken wöu sone large stones in the weighing and gseh esch de beni i IEH boum. S erschte wasi natural dänkt ha esh gseh "! Sch **** it de Putt" on ech be abgsprunge and baaang beni da bode gläge and ha work any chönne ufstah, s'esch mer gseh says Sturm. It has few genuine de mau try and severally de gange and ech ha gseh the de ned as great pity glücklicherwiis gseh manner. Ersch de hani afe gmerkt minere hand with the braces and baaang ned to be the second and ech scho not bode at gläge. (Laugh about it afterwards chani werkli;)) Yes uf each tried fau esch de Austin and cho het mer ufzstah but it gange ned manner I gwüsst but the ech ha mer de ned Chopf ahgschlage ha, hamer ned thus ensure Voeu. gmacht. Ech be gseh eifach gschockt. After 10-14 minute hani de chönne neither ufstah and there s'mer zemli guet gange be, beni de METEM töff zrugggfahre.
dürer tag us ha ni de gschlafe actually only s'esch mer says Sturm gseh ahgschwoue and mini hand-esh.
on Sunntig severally mer de Chli better way. ha may be mini finger (duume) is always no nid chönne move but it nümme severally mer gseh butcher. :) Mer hei s' wätter no Chli Gnoss and severally no zemli luschtig gseh .. it severally würkli en Kuuli family. Gäge nami si no de mer and mer si hei aui todmüed gseh .. prospective economic de George. There must
min Duume on mäntig gseh esch ned more comfortable with is going to the doctor and de mer en het rüngeböud do it. Broche severally glücklicherwiis ued but es mi Duume esch zemli verstucht and would have to ech etz wuceh for PPPs 3 e Schene slow .. (Ech gloube but need dasi se Ganzi three grew bruche ..:))
which grew esch mini legscht justice shcouwuche gseh. etz de Foei on Mäntig d Abschlussürpfige ah hei de mer de Samstig on testimonies of missed and so:) fröi Mi So on top! ie nämli de mönet Start vo 3 holiday for mech! : D
da hani no nes few photos from legschte wuchenänd and so .. sup mer sorry Dase het duret as long or e bisi breaks gschrebe ha but it zschribe severally zemli müehsam met de Schene! :)
very Liebi Grüess id schwiiz!
On legschte wuchenaend si mer ufd "farm". D 'Farm esch e Karim camping Wau in Missouri, where so nöchi zemli i de de Luca lived. Danish court ghört minne Gastöutere, si hei but e huufe familiemetgleder where det Sun zsäge "ihgmietet" and where wi si ah nice (drink =) wuchenänd det abe do Goei go relax and go party.
Mer so sure Auso on legschte Fritigern, nachdäm mer Aue packed hey i Trruck iehgstege and abgfahre. After about 1.5 hour si de mer det ahcho and d 'gägend het Wed grad ah öppis erinneret: Our beautiful Switzerland:) D' Camper stöi shore big Wiis. Uf ehrem Gländ out usserdäm ouno en Bach Dürer and it chlises Bächli! ;) Is het Soger Hügle! ech miss the werkli da .. where I Läbe Esches eifahc just flat .. and so het tuusigi maisfäuder. Mer de hei üs in the camper and ihgrechtet könneglehrt ech ha aui Lüüt ufem place. Drunder hets ou zemli Voeu chind (11i and younger) gha what mech het gfröit justice. :) Ha de lso Sunny absolutely chind i de ke kin there. Hei mer üs de e nice abe gmacht on Füür and severally eifach gseh wonderful. Ufem place si 3 Hünd gseh ah twilight tag and di hei Wed ouno Sun zemli under haute.
On nächschte Morge het en vo Brüeder minere Gastmam zgfüuh gha that ECHS Eisch ufem vierradtöff try söu and ech ha natural gseit yes immediately. De Austin, e 11 year olds, ech ha ne but at least 14gschätzt, does het mer de gseit wi the Aue and wasi must do. Aue esch super swing and mer si de Hügle deruf and derab gfahre and severally mega Kuul gseh .. BIS I INE BOUM IEH KRACHT BE!
yes .. woni e hügu abe gfahre be hani ned chönne länken wöu sone large stones in the weighing and gseh esch de beni i IEH boum. S erschte wasi natural dänkt ha esh gseh "! Sch **** it de Putt" on ech be abgsprunge and baaang beni da bode gläge and ha work any chönne ufstah, s'esch mer gseh says Sturm. It has few genuine de mau try and severally de gange and ech ha gseh the de ned as great pity glücklicherwiis gseh manner. Ersch de hani afe gmerkt minere hand with the braces and baaang ned to be the second and ech scho not bode at gläge. (Laugh about it afterwards chani werkli;)) Yes uf each tried fau esch de Austin and cho het mer ufzstah but it gange ned manner I gwüsst but the ech ha mer de ned Chopf ahgschlage ha, hamer ned thus ensure Voeu. gmacht. Ech be gseh eifach gschockt. After 10-14 minute hani de chönne neither ufstah and there s'mer zemli guet gange be, beni de METEM töff zrugggfahre.
dürer tag us ha ni de gschlafe actually only s'esch mer says Sturm gseh ahgschwoue and mini hand-esh.
on Sunntig severally mer de Chli better way. ha may be mini finger (duume) is always no nid chönne move but it nümme severally mer gseh butcher. :) Mer hei s' wätter no Chli Gnoss and severally no zemli luschtig gseh .. it severally würkli en Kuuli family. Gäge nami si no de mer and mer si hei aui todmüed gseh .. prospective economic de George. There must
min Duume on mäntig gseh esch ned more comfortable with is going to the doctor and de mer en het rüngeböud do it. Broche severally glücklicherwiis ued but es mi Duume esch zemli verstucht and would have to ech etz wuceh for PPPs 3 e Schene slow .. (Ech gloube but need dasi se Ganzi three grew bruche ..:))
which grew esch mini legscht justice shcouwuche gseh. etz de Foei on Mäntig d Abschlussürpfige ah hei de mer de Samstig on testimonies of missed and so:) fröi Mi So on top! ie nämli de mönet Start vo 3 holiday for mech! : D
da hani no nes few photos from legschte wuchenänd and so .. sup mer sorry Dase het duret as long or e bisi breaks gschrebe ha but it zschribe severally zemli müehsam met de Schene! :)
very Liebi Grüess id schwiiz!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Rotel Chicken Pasta And Velveeta
Edwardsville Fun Weekend
Legscht wuchenänd hei mers auerilegschte Rotary Fun Weekend gha.. das isch scho zemli trurig gseh wöu di gruppe wi mer gseh si werd nie weder so zäme si. 2 fo üsere gruppe wärde leider scho nächscht manet heigah und drum hani si ou zum legschte mau gseh, so wiis usgseht. aber mer weiss ja nie, vel. chöi mer churzfreschtig no öppis organisiere :)
Fritig, 30. April:
S' Edwardsville Fun Weekend het am 5i gstartet und mer hei üs ufemene Parkplatz in E'ville troffe.d Mary, D' Layton, D' Somo und ich bi nere meeega riche family stayed at Fritigern. Ech gloub ech ni ha ne never nachberschaft gseh. S'huus esch eifach gseh insane. S 'e 16jährigi Päärli het het üs and daughter to St. Louis gno METEM car and mer si de umeghüenert gröschte the Storm in St. Louis and hot ines few shops gstoppt wöus eifach mega Fescht het grägnet. Very funny sized de worde where tornado sirens going gange si! : D
(Arch, ufem wäg to St. Louis)
Nachdäm mer de gnue wet gseh si no de mer hei gange and no hot nes few föume gluegt.
Samstig, 1 May 2010:
Früeh the morning (8:00) hei mer üs aui de scho neither at the parking and troff si vo det mer gange to St. Louis to directly de Arch!
D 'Arch severally s landmark vo St. Louis and 192 meters highest. And just det mer Goei etz ue! :)
Zersch hei mer are few photos and gmacht verusse si de mer Dür security check and gift shop! ;)
sones order id ue Arch zcho mer i would have to quite it iehsetzte chlises bähndli. Each Bähndli het 5 chlini Act and esch würkli met for ued Lüüt claustrophobic! After 4 mer de dobe gseh and d 'super UTLOOK manner despite em ned wätter gseh so beautiful! :)
; ; Ech met de Elisa und de Mary z'oberscht uf de Arch!!
Legscht wuchenänd hei mers auerilegschte Rotary Fun Weekend gha.. das isch scho zemli trurig gseh wöu di gruppe wi mer gseh si werd nie weder so zäme si. 2 fo üsere gruppe wärde leider scho nächscht manet heigah und drum hani si ou zum legschte mau gseh, so wiis usgseht. aber mer weiss ja nie, vel. chöi mer churzfreschtig no öppis organisiere :)
Fritig, 30. April:
S' Edwardsville Fun Weekend het am 5i gstartet und mer hei üs ufemene Parkplatz in E'ville troffe.d Mary, D' Layton, D' Somo und ich bi nere meeega riche family stayed at Fritigern. Ech gloub ech ni ha ne never nachberschaft gseh. S'huus esch eifach gseh insane. S 'e 16jährigi Päärli het het üs and daughter to St. Louis gno METEM car and mer si de umeghüenert gröschte the Storm in St. Louis and hot ines few shops gstoppt wöus eifach mega Fescht het grägnet. Very funny sized de worde where tornado sirens going gange si! : D
(Arch, ufem wäg to St. Louis)
Nachdäm mer de gnue wet gseh si no de mer hei gange and no hot nes few föume gluegt.
Samstig, 1 May 2010:
Früeh the morning (8:00) hei mer üs aui de scho neither at the parking and troff si vo det mer gange to St. Louis to directly de Arch!

D 'Arch severally s landmark vo St. Louis and 192 meters highest. And just det mer Goei etz ue! :)
Zersch hei mer are few photos and gmacht verusse si de mer Dür security check and gift shop! ;)
sones order id ue Arch zcho mer i would have to quite it iehsetzte chlises bähndli. Each Bähndli het 5 chlini Act and esch würkli met for ued Lüüt claustrophobic! After 4 mer de dobe gseh and d 'super UTLOOK manner despite em ned wätter gseh so beautiful! :)
St. Louis
Busch Stadium (baseball): D
Schatte vo de Arch
Nachdäm mer weder dunde gseh si hei mer no tuusigi Fotos under de Arch gmacht, s' Museum churz ahgluegt und si de a Mississippi abe go z'Mettag ässe. Nachem Mettag hei si de üs no metere Boottour ufem Mississippi überascht!! :)
Ufem Boot met de Arch im Hintergrund!
Nach de Boottour si mer is City Museum. Das isch eigentlich zemli kuul aber ech be scho 3 mau det gseh drum isches haut chli längwillig gseh for mech. About d 'night of Samstig Sunntig UFE mer hei aui bimene (other) Riich couple stayed. The hei ou gha Huus it big, and each en het ergendwo "sleeping place" finding it! :) S 'Wuchenänd esch uf each Fau Voeu z' schnöu verbi gange and mer hei üs de scho had not adopted. Da hani no 2 de fotos vo boys nächscht where manet scho hei ech nümme Goei and expectant gseh. (
Coronel Jose Maria Sanchez, Mexico He wott Waerden presidänt later Eisch. ;)
rehab Özmen, Türkey, Frouehöud, DJ, and he needed no emmer nes legschts foti ha! ;)
"Christa, take picture, take picture, the last one, i swear Please Chris, one more picture!"
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