Heeyo Together!
want after a long break I am hereby reports wiedermal your say.
A very good 2009 season draws to a close, with the streams we have already completed this year dream mass were achieved in the brook trout. Magnificent Miracle brookies bring color to our image collections, simply outstanding. However, when I look in my galleries, I note that practically only precious fins carrier of us have been caught, but you know what? The itches are not a bit! For rock salmon! They not only add images to the picturesque fishing album

- they also provide first-class drills, and here and there once a charming dinner ;-)
equal to the beginning of summer vacation was in January in the far north, I always waited expectantly for a what message he would catch beautiful, but for a long time, I heard nothing from him. But then he answered, "Flood and co. they have in Sweden "," shit "... .. But he was fishing, was only it is not just catchy. The area, however, was charming, it was said by his side.

Besides a Hechtschniepeln there were tons of Egli, some of them He enjoyed himself.

The Top Catch was but then a beautiful rainbow trout which he could with the fly and nymph outwit, wonderful!
Also with us was anything but dead pants, all you have to fish, stream, river Aare, in the lakes and and and ... everything was not always, but a few Egli always belong to the summer to as caught? Naja's something new for me, Egli with the fly

The funny fishing excursions as they were part of each year to naturally made with the Bödele veteran among the fishermen, responsive to FISH, including Beat we went along with his son man on the ... .. ou no idea how the lake is, somewhere in the rearmost Gaggo the Sarine source area. Funny landscape but boring fish, but among mates is also such a day passes quickly. The two fishermen colleagues plucked a "Rägebüntel" after another, I was on my part with the fly fishing of a different kind of busy for a few stubborn people for tasty fish to catch. Well what do you think, is still almost as good as Jan's catches of the far north: P

Another highlight was imminent, after, I was looking forward very, very long, a body of water with a stock of brook trout as it gives him nowhere else. took pictures of me fishing again extremely drooling out pictures of the Flypro Matthias Meyer. The brook trout fascinated me has always painted a color and a pattern like by an artist, his survival is in extremely rough waters to its predatory desire and the right foot what makes a great sport fish and him very much appreciate worth it - at any rate for me. But ready raved, with Ludovic from the Vaud we were on our way, the joy was great when we finally arrived, the excitement still much greater.
A very small lake, which forced Indians fish, but it was too careful, so you could quickly one after the other "Brookie" catch.
you convinced yourself ... ..
Especially when cranking a few things had to be respected, Ludo and I noticed, however, quickly arrives at what it is. "Schwups" next fish on ;-)
And here one of my favorite pictures of this trip, there is an eyespot fish? No!

After the first part of the lake had fished, we went over stock and stone, some of razor sharp walls, further
already own just to watch the fish there, I could spend hours spend on these waters. Together we are strong, seemed to be the motor of the char, up to 30 fish were seen in a swarm.
While I had to take a break now and then (was just before this trip, something ill), Ludo was busy drill on fish and shoot photos.
Alternately, we exploited these small waters and enjoyed this wonderful day. The split cane fly rod bent over and over again, sometimes larger and then smaller fish, but each catch was unique.
When we were done with fish, we left the day again so go through our heads - a highlight Clearly, we have experienced with this trip. Fortunately Ludo snapped many pictures, so we will get this experience for a long time on photos. For me, it was clear that I want to experience something like only once a year. Why? It is easy to do once to get it again and again ....
So, now finished, but raved about, we're in the middle of the season. And what better fit than with a college, Fischer truck, boat and .... and .. to go a little alcohol on the lake and recreate the robbers? Which is of course nothing in the way, talk a Hechtli, sometimes as a perch

main thing is it is fun:-P
As one who likes to discover something new, I went to a very special expeditions, which several hours walking required. Sometimes, to explore a body of water, then to simply walk, and another time to enjoy the tranquility of nature.

It was always a tingling sensation in my stomach when I arrived at a high-altitude lakes. Similarly, there was an inner peace in such waters to be - even if no fish and was often nothing to see in it. The experience made it out and the images speak for themselves.

was at this unique lake Jewels despite absence of people, always someone who observed me on the most accurate, "gället Mr. Bänz"

And the next piece of jewelry

When I first was lost, found I still my ultimate goal, here this little lake:

Aaaaaber! A storm was approaching, I knew this and gave full throttle, but nothing there - it rained me completely to the ground, this was one of the major storm last summer and I was within it - Bravo Chrigel have, you again real in a horrible situation to be related ... ^ ^ In addition, there was the time pressure is the last bus to get down into the valley. But like most of these also had Chrigel story-a happy ending and some VERY wetted went home value.
Even Jan was busy at the fish, whether with fly or spinning rod, he was mostly successful. Here is a small Impression of a joint trip.
And here is one of the fish, which it took wonder whether this weird part that takes the water splashes and flies from Jan with strange movements (including some harsh comments such as fu ....) Through the air , is then attached to a tree and then goes back to dive, eat can. No one can eat this, but it photographed and appear in reports that you can, dear Char!

What I myself have noticed, it is often not the major rivers magically attract me, no, it's the little ones. A prime example of this is Bach the picture below. Here but are not fish, right?
Hehe, I was wrong. The first trout hang!

now I'm about half of this report. Those who do not read quite like that would do best a little break and read another time
(there are thicker fish ;-)) Clearly, we were also fish in the "oldies" of our waters. Only run after the season then new water is not our thing. Here is a now "I know how my pocket" waters and a real mood

In the mice and Maroni eaters, we were always beautiful fish. Slightly Smaller

and something big that you had to look into the most desolate canyons between boulders and rock walls.

Unfortunately we did in the summer, a larger storm thwart the bill. Had not the storm destroyed the creek and so nice pools, we could probably show now has a few more of these larger trout gorge. The fish in this stream went on anyway, so further up correctly. More interesting conversations with locals, could I again find very useful information. This information is brought to me very earthy brown trout, Example 1

Example 2
back from the streams in the mountain lakes. With tent and luggage Chrigel rose over 2000m.ü.m. To catch the target something bigger. I first fished the front lake basin, and could quickly build fish contact, unfortunately without success. In the back basin I had out of nowhere a 60 + rainbow trout as aggressive trailer. The first attempt, you missed my nice Jackson artist, but the second attempt I was able to hook them. Oh my God, a natural grown rainbow trout is a damn outgoing bundle of energy! The fish moved 5m from me unstoppable through the water and as I had anticipated having pointed me to the fish jumping ... .... Moderately slow motion jumps Refo from the water - the rainbow shining in the air - and shakes his head .... she is away: - / That they would have been to fail .... After another drop (Bafo), I ended the fishing day. PS: The Penn in the tent was to throw up. In addition to freezing temperatures - which I had to face with too little clothing - were still hostile fischer cows that attacks on me and my tent had committed .... The next day I could still land a fish and a few very nice Snap pictures. exploiting

To take another lease waters next year, we took the beo-fisher, the over-fishing and leprosy of the FV Bönigen part (in which we are also members). Comfortably the Gräbli was to fish the day.
The result allowed is quite impressive, along with the desired sizes were also a few "too big" caught brook trout.
Then she went to the less pleasant part of the leprosy in the creek. With the other volunteers of the association, we took the jeep over the bumpy road most of the BEO's. The new waters, we now gave the fish a trout audience laughed tears here
a busy there and some time after the exposure we were ready. When Schnäpsle with Jan was already the first anticipation for next year, in January gäu
With the hope that the trout are exposed once like this

, we raced back the valley.
The time went by, as it should be different, once again much too quickly. The leaves of the trees VER-stained, the days were getting shorter and the autumn so already stood at the door. But the fall it has "in" in beo! When we went into the mountains, we always expected as the high-evocative images which the fish have a more memorable experience, GE makes.

Not only the surroundings were beautiful colored, even the fish could be seen.

also a "Brookie" was welcome ;-)
Jan and I together in a mountain stream = beautiful fish ... .. Most This is also the last time we shared Bach trip in nice weather we went again on 1000m.ü.m. And lo and behold, a picture book trout voilà:
fooling around with fishing, beer, etc. destroyed. beat us by the inaccessible creek bed. With the knowledge that the season is finished soon, we estimated each fish made out even more.

But this fish is hard and as mentioned, the tool to the ball, or better said, er to stay FISH, was pure and simple beer. Prostn!
I must admit, it was destroyed more beer than fish caught. Nothing more despite all his fish caught, Jan and his double on the fly:

And to prove once again why we call the salmon as the most beautiful fish, the following two pictures book fish. to survive

To the harsh winter in the upper-trout region has to a larger trout stock up with good fat reserves. January could end season once again caught such a glutton, stomach contents? I'll spare you the sight and post any pictures, there were 3 mice mhh! And here the trout Bock, who was the last time wanted to get a good bite.
Öhm his third brother seventh grade mother's side, Ar la Lo m baga way I started (Chrigel). He was more of the fine Köster, was designed to be gourmet high-protein bugs.
Yes and then there was the big day came and we were the last time on the river, it was a great time:''(
After record-breaking Aare absence, but I had to still make the conclusion as in. last year we went with Piitsch and boat on the river Aare. First, rather timidly, then more and more aggressive, the Aare trout bite our bait. After the first half, I had 2 short to 0 in strengthening Capricorn retrieved and further second round we went with The change of the system brought on Köfi Wobbler Piitsch within a short time to compensate for 2 to 2 Here's my share of catches
If I had not played yet, the "rod and reel Versänkispiel," it would have been a damn good season finale ;-) Aare item should have a diver in the Aare Interlaken success in finding, I would grant him the few Hundertfränkli warmly (for I'm going to buy with great pleasure and good conscience new Tackle:-D).
There's still our short stay Ticino, the fish was in the third row, and so we show only two images. The first picture shows me, nor with the blodd the Grind I pulled the mini-bass, combative a dream fish, or for me but interesting ...

January, however, was hot on these fish, and after persistent attempts, he was allowed a something "gäbigeren" catch.

So that is all of us, I hope that one or the other had read a little joy. You'll hear from us until then and Petri Heil.
"see you babe"
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