Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Piano Sheet Reading In Bed

Kamut Bucatini all'Amatriciana

Homemade pasta is delicious, no-one can deny. Flat noodles I've been doing for many years. But the desire flared, pasta with a hole again and again. An electric, which should do by itself, dough, pressing after a certain time the dough through the window, I had 20 years ago once. But they've given away. I did not come with the deal. Once the eggs were smaller and the machine could not clever dough together. Once the eggs were too large, then the dough was too wet and there were no ordinary pasta out.

Since I knead the dough I prefer to compose your own. Of course, a food processor would be appropriate. Anyone who knows my little kitchen know I never would have space for it. Although I since I've seen it Hesting kitchen, I believe that I have a big kitchen and each express my absolute admiration, which is cooked in such a small part of each day. With some food processors can also produce hollow noodles. I'm not that's for electric. One would have to operate the thing can and hand it should be something smaller, something can put away what I do.

Norbert knows me and my "concerns". He has long sought, until he has met with a representative of this great hand-operated machine for me. Probably also with the thought that he had noodles then gets to eat!

course, I immediately set to work. And since I'm just trying out how well suited for various kamut flour dough, I have instead of the hard wheat flour, which I always assume otherwise used kamut flour.
The pasta machine has several windows, which can move forward. I can 5 different types of pasta. I opted for the Bucatini and since offers the Amatriciana. Guanciale, pig's cheek, I had no home, not bacon, but an excellent Cacciatore, a slightly coarser, fixed salami.

Bucatini all'Amatriciana

Ingredients for 4 people:

For the pastry: 130g flour
  • Type 00

  • kamut flour 70 g type 00

  • 2 eggs 1 tablespoon olive oil

For the sauce:

  • Cacciatore 10 slices, not too thin

  • 1 / 2 onion

  • 350 g tomato sauce

  • chilli, olive oil, ground

  • salt
  1. I use the dough as usual, which can be found here .

  2. As soon as he rested, I turn it into two passes through the pasta machine. And I always try to make the same long Bucatini.

    Once the proper length is reached, I cut with a sharp knife the noodles. It is also important that I then dusted with kamut flour to dry for one hour. Otherwise they would stick together when cooked hopeless.

  3. In the meantime, I prepare this simple, but all the delicious sauce to. I cut the Cacciatore in small pens and chop the peeled onion finely.

  4. roast in my favorite pan I, in olive oil, and pour the tomato sauce to both seasoning with salt and hot pepper from the Peperoncinomühle. Cover it and cook for a while.

  5. water for the pasta is already set up. The salt I have to, as soon as it cooks.

  6. throw after the hour of drying time I have the noodles into the water, let them cook for 2-3 minutes, try a pasta when I cook it needed a little, otherwise I screened it off.

  7. Then I mix the pasta into the pan with the sauce.

The Kamut has very similar characteristics to wheat flour, because it keeps the pasta al dente. We have tasted the pasta very well. additionally, you can serve grated Parmesan cheese or Pecorino stagionato.

Now I will often also produce other noodles in different colors, green with spinach, red with tomato paste ....


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