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"Amigos" (Image: Moncloa) |
SPAIN LIVE - Before the cameras warm understanding words between the "Amigos" were behind closed doors, politely, but firmly held differences. Sun came as the demand of Germany's conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel, the wage policy in Spain to liberalize further, to make the debt the country for future Euro-fit, not just to love in the English Governor's Palace in Madrid.
Merkel met there and Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Zapatero to the six-hour summit. Theme was particularly Merkel idea of a future Euro-Economic Pact more competitive. This € pact provides for a growing European coordination of employment, tax and budget policy to strengthen the Euro-zone budget and avoid new disasters.
The Germanic medicine that Germany had brought lush growth, can the financial and economic weakness of Spain patient recovered well soon, the good news during their visit, Merkel was in the English capital, where she also briefly with King Juan Carlos came by. Spain slipped after the collapse of his construction and real estate industry three years ago in a deep crisis that has still not been overcome.
Merkel's anti-crisis cure: Wage increases should be based on future competition. And should no longer be automatic as in the Iberian peninsula, according to the inflation rate. Salaries should rather be linked to productivity and corporate profits. Labour Minister Zapatero Valeriano Gomez was immediately rebuffed Merkel: Spain did with his model, "no bad experiences."
also Merkel, a note on euro weakness annoyed Zapatero, whose country, along with Portugal, as Euro-risk candidate is. The euro crisis, said the Chancellor, "was thrown in that made too much debt and lack of competitiveness of some countries. A thinly veiled dig at Spain, the lack of confidence of financial markets came under increasing pressure recently.
Zapatero, who in recent months has often excited about Merkel because she had allegedly fueled by reckless comments, the European financial crisis, shot back: Germany must also as a heavyweight in the EU, not only are his Heads prevail, but must be willing to compromise in the economic integration of Europe.
Merkel then had to leave before the microphones still quite a few encouraging words for Zapatero: "I believe that in Spain in recent times has been done very great things. Major reforms, which will direct the future of Spain in a better direction. "Spain is in a" good way ". There is "no" cause for further speculation about Spain's stability.
The English government had, after much hesitation, as previously practiced by Germany, increased the statutory retirement age from 65 to 67 years. Moreover, were - after heavy EU pressure - agreed to reduce the exploding budget new debts hefty tax increases, social cuts, wage cuts for civil servants and a pension freeze. Zapatero: ". We have done our homework," the budget deficit and troubled by the real estate crash savings industry were under control.
In Spain's economic reality can be felt from this little optimism so far: The unemployment rate just jumped 20.3 percent to a record high among young people under 25 even 42 percent are jobless. In terms of competitiveness, productivity and innovation is one Zapatero country still under a considerable Of reforms is suffering, also to the EU backbenchers.
Meanwhile, young English graduates are from the German Goethe Institutes in Spain are lining up to learn about German courses. Motivated by extensive reports of the English media that Germany is desperately well-trained specialists and engineers. Thousands of young Spaniards who see no future at home for say, now. "I want to go to Germany" Ralph Schulze
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