Monday, January 3, 2011

Sims 3 Relic Of Eternity Map


SPAIN LIVE - good highways, upgraded roads, deserted areas and varied landscape: driving may Spain still make a lot of fun - even with a rental car. At airports, railway stations and in all major cities and tourist resorts you will find the major international car rental companies and small local distributors. The prices are often the rule: the longer you rent a car, the cheaper it gets. Also in low season is cheaper than in the holidays. Who booked out by Germany, Austria or Switzerland, either online or through a travel agent, often saves money and avoids surprises. A comparison of different provider that is easy to specialized Internet portals worthwhile.

car hire customers sometimes resent the fact that they over-Tank Packages are buttoned up. You should know that three different tank arrangements are legal in Spain with car rental: reception and return of the car each full tank. Each (almost) run empty. Or adoption of a full tank and charge went blank. As it in the latter cases, no money back there when the tank is not completely empty drive, these arrangements at the customer's not popular.

The full-full-system for car drivers is probably the easiest and probably most equitable. So better before the contract ever paragraphs study with the fuel system that can be found under the lease terms.

If you take the vehicle to receive, you should be satisfied that it has no scratches or damages or have the record. As in Spain, the "Contact Parking" are widespread, small dents and paint damage often: You park by ear - if It crunches back slightly, it is sometimes too late. Liable in Spain by the way the tenant, not the driver, if you get caught with a misdemeanor. The upper limit for alcoholic beverages is as in Germany, Switzerland and Austria at 0.5 per thousand. should consider

Driving also one: Especially in rural areas, many animals - dogs, cats, chickens, cows, deer or wild pigs - suddenly appear on the street and especially at night mean a great danger. Tighten the case of accidents or breakdowns in Spain you have a reflective vest when you leave the car. This must, therefore, are in the car.

The speed on motorways is 110 kph on country roads 90 to 100 (depending on road reconstruction) and in built up areas 50 km / h. On some highways must be paid tolls - they can be paid with cash or credit card.

is repeatedly warned of "false Samaritans. The concerns certainly rather the tourists who travel by car and foreign license plates. The Foreign Office in Berlin points out that in the holiday period at times to attacks on tourists along Spain's highways, particularly on the A7 between the French-English border post La Jonquera and Barcelona come. It is usually applied

the "margins trick": the tourists, either during the trip prompted by another car with gestures on alleged damage to their vehicle (eg tire problems) points out, and stops. Or stand on a rest stop the perpetrators in an unnoticed moment in a tire. Always will be "assistance" is offered and used the situation to steal.

is why: Better just go to a busy motorway service stations, shut the car forever and not lose sight of. In the event of a breakdown as only the official support services, such as calling the English automobile club RACE. Car rental companies should have noted for an emergency service phone number in the vehicle documents, where help can be requested. The police emergency call is 112th in the country by the way Clementine Kügler

More about car hire in Spain live


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